Payment Reason |
Payment Reason ID |
Document Types |
Document Type ID |
Company Stocks
| 1
| Contract, Company Union Document
| 5, 6 |
Real Estate Abroad
| 2
| Contract
| 5
Other Assets Abroad
| 3
| Invoice, Contract
| 1, 5
Foreign Resident Loan
| 4
| Loan Agreement
| 7
Company Owner Loan
| 5
| Loan Agreement
| 7
Capital Refund
| 6
| Loan Agreement
| 7
Partnership Invest
| 7
| Partnership Agreement
| 9
Services Up To 250k
| 9
| Invoice
| 1
Services Over 250k
| 10
| Invoice, Tax Deduction Certificate
| 1, 2
Import Of Goods (Not Including Books)
| 11
| Invoice
| 1
Education Abroad
| 14
| Institution Payment Request
| 10
Relative Abroad
| 17
| Account Management Certificate
| 3
In Boarder Transfer
| 18
| -
| -
Cross Boarder Transfer
| 19
| Account Management Certificate
| 3
Tourism Services
| 20
| Invoice
| 1
Third Party Transfer
| 21
| -
| -
Transportation Services Overseas
| 22
| Invoice
| 1
Software Development Or Online Services
| 24
| Invoice, Tax Deduction Certificate
| 1, 2
| 25
| -
| -
Options Investments
| 26
| Contract
| 5
| 999
| -
| -